A Disciple-Making Pattern
Disciples making New Disciples who make New Disciples

- ASK the Holy Spirit to guide your meeting.
- REVIEW from previous week: How did you follow Jesus last week? With whom did you share what you learned?
- DISCOVER the truth from the Scriptures. What do we learn about God? What do we learn about ourselves/other people? Practice telling the story in your group.
- LIVING THE DISCIPLE-LIFE. Informed by the Scriptures you read, how will you follow Jesus this week? With whom will you share? How can we pray for one another and others?
Recommended Disciple-making Resources
These resources and ideas will help you make disciples who make more disciples, who ultimately gather in groups (faith communities) of disciples.
ReFRESHing Your Outreach Workshop – Contact pmeier@flgadistrict.org