2024 Pastors Conference


You’re invited to step out of our own pulpits and teaching podiums to reconnect with fellow professionals as we hear from experienced LCMS pastors engaged in the theology and practice of proclamation to the next generation.  Enjoy presentations from pastor-and-missionary Rev. Dr. Scott Rische and Rev. Dr. Bob Newton along with over 18 breakout sessions and daily roundtable discussions. Your schedule will allow freedom for fellowship and collegiality, and we encourage you to take part in our closing worship with Holy Communion to send you back home as the body of Christ to your neighborhood. Don’t miss out! Register today!

Rev. Dr. Scott Rische

Scott Rische is grateful to serve as the International Director of PLI, leading the international side of PLI along with his wife Lori, with whom he has been married for 40 years. They live in the northern panhandle of Idaho and have four children and nine grandchildren. As a part of their work with PLI, Scott, and Lori also lived overseas in China for three years from 2013-2016, and continue to travel to all parts of the world each year. PLI is currently conducting training in 27 countries outside of the United States, with over 100 church bodies and networks.

Scott graduated from Concordia, WI, in 1984 and Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, MO 1988. Before his calling in 2011 to serve as the full-time director of PLI’s international work, Scott served as a church planter of a congregation in LaFox, IL, from 1988-1996, as lead pastor of a congregation in El Cajon, CA, from 1996-2009, and leader of a church planting network in San Diego, CA from 2008-2011. He received his D. Min. from Bakke Graduate University in 2006 in leadership and church planting movements. 

Scott’s passions and callings in life are seeing people come into a faith relationship with Jesus Christ and teaching, encouraging, developing, and building the missionary leadership capacity of pastors and leaders for God’s mission all over the world. Scott is a private pilot and enjoys flying, writing, teaching, music, woodworking, and anything outdoors.

Rev. Dr. Robert “Bob” Newton

Rev. Dr. Robert Newton served five terms as LCMS District President for California/ Nevada/Hawaii — often running unopposed and elected by acclamation.

Conference attendance is open to Active & Emeritus Pastors, Vicars, Professional Church Workers, and their spouses.



Registration Fee Information:

  • Attendance and participation in the Conference are directed by Synod Guidelines for the continued growth and nurture of our District Pastors.
  • The congregation assessment covers the fees for FLGA called staff & 2024 – 2025 Vicars.
  • There is no registration fee for Emeritus workers who have been in the FLGA District for 5 or more years; for those who have been in the district for less than 5 years, the registration fee is $50.00.
  • $50 registration fee for all spouses and members of other LCMS Districts

Please contact Kathy Keene with questions.  

Hilton Daytona Beach Oceanfront Resort

Please make your reservation through the following link:
100 N. Atlantic Ave, Daytona Beach, FL 32118

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NOTE: if your room block shows as sold out at any time, please advise your guests to click the Book a Room box on the landing page and then Edit Stay on the following page to change the dates.

Tentative Schedule

Conference Breakouts

Conference Breakout Bios

Conference Communication

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If you already have the app, you might need to delete and reload it due to recent updates.
Click this link on your mobile device to download the app today!

If you have questions about exhibitors for this conference, please contact Debbie Arrington

We are pleased to offer the Ministerial Assistance Program (MAP), a service of the FLGA District, and Lutheran Counseling Services during the conference.

MAP is designed to help clergy, church workers, educators, parish nurses, secretaries, etc., and their families cope with the challenges and demands of church life and work.

Megan Miessler, DCE, LCSW, and Rev. Dr. Rick Armstrong, LMFT, will be with us for “conversation and consultation.”

Services include:

  • Assessment, referral, and/or therapy for an individual, marriage, or family concern
  • A pastoral care, congregational, staff, church, school, or church governance issue
  • A vocational crisis or redirection
  • Help with a church worker or parishioner grievance
  • Classroom struggle, student concern, or need for collaborative classroom interventions.

Appointments can be arranged ahead of time by calling Megan at 321.279.3266 or Rick at 321.695.2773.

Whatever the issue, MAP can offer help, hope, and healing through quality, confidential assistance.