September 25-27, 2024
Daytona Beach, FL
Hilton Daytona Beach Oceanfront Resort
The Florida-Georgia District Educator’s Conference will provide professional development for teachers, DCEs, Family Life Ministers,
and administrators with keynote sessions, Ed Camps, and breakout sessions will provide participants with 7 hours of professional development.
Lori has served as a classroom teacher, technology integration specialist, and literacy coordinator during her almost thirty years in education. She currently serves as an educational consultant, content developer, and presenter. Find out more about Dr. Elliott here.
Lori will serve as a keynote speaker on September 25, talking about how “Teaching is WONDERful!”
A sneak peek at her talks makes every day full of wonder, joy, and curiosity in our classrooms! Join Lori to discover simple ways to foster curiosity and engagement in the classroom. You will fill your teacher toolbox with ideas and resources to spark curiosity and cultivate a sense of wonder!
She will also present a keynote talk on September 27. This time she will focus on “Hey, You Look Like a Teacher!”
In this session, she will ask-Have you ever been told that you “look like a teacher?” Join Lori for this humorous and thought-provoking keynote in which you’ll discover why looking like a teacher is a great thing! This is a special opportunity to reflect on your unique qualities as a teacher and how to let your wisdom, compassion, and expertise shine through. Expect a session filled with laughs and “aha” moments!
Jim has served as a Lutheran teacher and executive Director of Lutheran high schools and is currently a faculty member at Concordia University, Wisconsin. Learn more about Dr. Pingel here.
Dr. Pingel will present his keynote time with “Master’s Class: Teaching Like Jesus (Without the Pressure of Being Jesus).” Jesus said, “You have one instructor, the Christ” (Matthew 23:10). We Lutheran school educators can always learn more from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Together, we will take a deep dive into analyzing the pedagogy and techniques of our Master Teacher and explore ways to apply His (very) best practices in our teaching and leadership vocations. Along the way, we’ll encourage one another as we confront educational challenges and our own shortcomings. We’ll also take time to laugh and fellowship together as we celebrate the joys of teaching and leading in our Lutheran schools.
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Hilton Daytona Oceanfront Resort Reservations
Rooms have been set aside for the Conference at a $142 rate – single through quad occupancy.
Please make your reservations through this link.
You have until 9/3/24 to make reservations!
IRIS Lending Library for the Blind, INC. is a lending library run solely by volunteers who lend books for free to legally visually impaired and blind handicapped individuals. The books are mailed free of charge to and from individuals living throughout the United States and Canada. When a patron has completed reading and returned the book to The Library, the next book on the patron’s “Want List” is sent in like manner.
Since 1978, Lutheran Church Extension Fund has been The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod based financial partner to help make the Gospel of Christ heard.
You can feel good partnering with LCEF because we share your Lutheran beliefs. We also share your love for the Church. Always have. Always will.
Barnabas Son of Encouragement Award
Since 2015, the Florida-Georgia District has given the Barnabas Son of Encouragement Award to recognize outstanding pastoral ministry in a school. It celebrates an Along-Sider partnership between a pastor and school and is presented to a Pastor at the Educators Conference on behalf of the District’s educators.
Who was Barnabas?
The Book of Acts presents Barnabas as an evangelizing apostle and church leader who was a model of integrity and character. He is called a “good man,” a “prophet and teacher,” and the apostles nicknamed him “Barnabas—Son of Encouragement.”
A Lutheran pastor who faithfully encourages and supports the whole community at a Lutheran school or early childhood center.
Nomination Process
Submit the Nomination Form describing how the nominee serves as a Son of Encouragement. To be considered, a pastor must receive three nominations from school staff or parents, one of which must be a school leader.
August 31
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Living Light Award for Ministry in Schools
Formerly known as the Dr. Ben Eggers Outstanding Educator Award, the Living Light Award celebrates workers in school ministry who stand out as shining lights that point others to Jesus.
In honor of Ben Eggers, who exemplified living the light of Jesus through his ministry to schools, the Florida-Georgia District will present this Award for the first time at the 2024 Educators Conference.
Administrators, educators, and other staff members serving in a Lutheran school or early childhood center whose life and work are a bright witness in the school community.
Submit the Nomination Form describing how the nominee shows the light of Jesus through their ministry within the school. To be considered, an individual must receive at least three nominations, which can come from staff or parents.
August 31
Registration for the Educators Conference has closed.
If you would like to add a registration, please contact Cindy Hammerstrom at 407-258-5042. Registrations will be added as space becomes available.
Questions? Contact Jennifer Tanner at or Cindy Hammerstrom at