LCMS Foundation

The LCMS Foundation was created in 1958 by the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod to provide Christian estate planning services to LCMS members and help ministries invest or endow the gifts members leave them in their wills or estate plans.

Two long-time friends, both now widowed, were having lunch as they typically do the fourth week of every month. Ruth and Sarah were talking about family.

Ruth shared, “Ever since my daughter got married, her new husband has separated her from me, and I never see her. I don’t even get to talk to her. Inconsistently, I get birthday cards or Christmas cards from her. I’m thinking of removing her from my will.”

“I am so sorry,” Sarah responded. “That must be painful. You two were so close when she was growing up. Removing her from the will seems pretty drastic. Dare I say, it seems final. Are you ready to give up on her? What do you hope to accomplish by doing that?”

Ruth sighed and said, “I don’t know what I really want. I am just so hurt, and sometimes I want to hurt back. But I know that’s not what the Lord wants me to do. I just need someone with whom to discuss this.”

“Have you met with Pastor about this?”

“Yes, a couple of years ago. But my hurt seems to be getting worse.”

“Well, set up an appointment with him. I know he has really helped me with the Lord’s encouragement on multiple occasions. Here’s another thing. Maybe the LCMS Foundation Gift Planning Counselor at Church could help you redirect your hurtful action into something more positive. Why don’t you give her a call?”

Your LCMS Foundation Gift Planning Counselor stands ready to assist you in putting together a faithful plan from your estate, even weaving through difficult family challenges. For support, contact Tony Hunt, CFRE, at 260-222-1291 or email

For more information about The LCMS Foundation visit their website at