Pastoral Education Loans

Higher education costs are rising and student loan debt is one of the most troublesome obligations faced by many pastors. A crushing debt may cause ministers to concentrate more on their financial needs and less on their call for serving their communities. The burden can be huge.

LCEF’s educational loan repayment program will provide the needed financial assistance to support LCMS ordained ministers to successfully reduce their existing school debt. With loans directly to the pastor or to his congregation, we can help.

Congregation Pastoral Education Loan Repayment Program

This loan program is provided to the congregation who acts as the eligible borrower to provide support for an active ordained LCMS minister, normally in the first 10 years after seminary graduation.


  • Loans up to the amount of indebtedness, not to exceed $100,000.
  • Funds may be drawn on for a maximum of two years, with interest billed monthly during the period.
  • Interest rates are based on LCEF’s Cost of Funds, plus 1%, adjusted annually. The interest rate is NOT based on credit score.
  • Ability to consolidate outstanding federal and private student loans.
  • Loan funds are disbursed to creditors.
  • Friendly, knowledgeable loan officers and service staff.
  • Internet and automated telephone access to loan information.

Click here for Loan Repayment Rate.