It is time to submit your congregation’s end-of-year statistics and update
your current list of lay leaders to The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. 

Please click here to submit.

If you cannot remember the username and/or password you created previously for your congregation, follow the
onscreen prompts on the login page to recover your credentials. 

The deadline for congregation statistics and lay leader updates is February 28, 2025.

Online reporting is intended to help congregations honor their commitment as members of the Synod, as confirmed by the 2016 LCMS Convention in Bylaw

  • Congregations of the Synod, to enable the Synod to plan current and future ministry efforts and to lend accuracy and integrity to the Synod’s delegate representation and voting processes, agree to provide annual membership and statistical information to the Synod.

The lay leader list is used to send copies of Reporter, the official newspaper of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, and other LCMS ministry-related mailings to congregation leaders. Reporter is sent, free of charge, to all congregational chairmen and Board of Elders chairmen each month and will be sent to the other congregation leaders as funding permits.