Rev. Dr. Victor J. Belton serves as 1st Vice President of the Florida-Georgia District and the Manager of REV7:9. He has been a Mission Facilitator for the Florida-Georgia District for many years. He served his alma mater, Concordia College New York, as campus pastor and Founder Director of the Center for Contextual Leadership. Belton served 27 years as pastor of Peace Lutheran Church, Decatur, Georgia. He served twelve years on the LCMS Board of Directors and as a proclaimer for three LWML conventions. He worked extensively in youth ministry and National Youth Gatherings. Belton wrote daily devotions for Portals of Prayer in conjunction with Concordia Publishing House and has commentary to be included in The Great Sending II. He is married to Wenona and has one foster son, Michael. He enjoys time on the beach, bike riding, and spending time with family and friends.