President’s Circle

President’s Circle: Acts of Grace

The President’s Circle is a ministry of the Florida-Georgia District that provides resources our District President needs in order to respond to emergencies in the lives of our District church workers and ministries in their most urgent times of need.  

Please support President’s Circle and provide Acts of Grace by using this link

Our Ministry 

Since the Church’s earliest days, God’s people have shared resources — especially in distress. Since its founding, the Florida-Georgia District has assisted ministries and church workers by providing exceptional support and help with resources gathered from our two states.

The President’s Circle expands this district ministry, sharing Acts of Grace with people and ministries in times of specific need and providing resources for this purpose. This outreach has provided vital assistance in many situations — flood and fire damage, emergency medical care, relocation, unanticipated job loss, and other emergencies.

Acts of Grace

Reaching out in love and the need continues. Every day in our District, workers and ministries struggle because of unforeseen trials and challenges. Often, the needs are known by our District President and the staff but cannot be met — budgeted funds and resources are just not available.

 Through the cooperative effort of the President’s Circle, support and resources can be distributed where they are needed when times are most difficult.

Unanticipated Situations

  • Emergency dollars when a natural disaster strikes.
  • Rent money when illness depletes the bank account.
  • Funds for critically needed medical care not covered by insurance.
  • Financing to help complete a needed ministry.

Working Together

Your membership in the President’s Circle furthers the work of the Church by bringing Acts of Grace to those in serious need. Recipients cannot apply for this aid; it is not a loan or a grant. We are sharing grace with those in need. Becoming part of this outreach is as simple as completing the attached form and returning it to the District office. You will receive regular reports and special messages from me, sharing how this loving outreach is helping brothers and sisters in the faith.

Thank you for your prayerful consideration and fervent support.

President Rockey