Lutheran LIFE

Lutheran LIFE is an official communications instrument of the Florida-Georgia District of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. Lutheran LIFE is designed to inform LCMS church and school members of the activities, personalities, and resources offered by the Synod and the FLGA District.

Publication Deadlines for 2025
February 15
May 15
August 15
October 15
December 15

Lutheran LIFE may also provide a forum for Lutherans to express their view and ideas on a wide range of topics. We welcome and encourage editorials, emphasizing that the views and opinions expressed are not necessarily shared by Synod or District personnel or by the editors, church workers or personnel of the Synod’s or District’s congregations or schools.

Lutheran LIFE is published bimonthly. Editorials, new items, and photos are encouraged and should be received at our publication offices no later than the 10th of the month prior to the publication date. We make every attempt to use all submitted information in the next issue of LIFE, space considerations prevent us from guaranteeing that stories will be used immediately. Advertising is welcome; rates and information are available from Lutheran LIFE’s office. Changes of addresses including e-mail changes, additions or deletions should be directed to our production office as well.

Lutheran Life Publishing
971 SW Pepperridge Ter
Boca Raton, FL 33486

Communications Director, John List