Pastors Conference 2024

Pastors will gather for rest, renewal, and restoration as we spend time to be reacquainted, challenged to examine various aspects of ministry health (spiritual, relational, financial, etc.), and sent back invigorated for our tasks among the Lord’s people.

Educators Conference 2024

The 2024 Florida-Georgia District Educator’s Conference will provide professional development for teachers, DCEs, Family Life Ministers, and administrators with keynote sessions, Ed Camps, and breakout sessions will provide participants with 7 hours of professional development.

Transformation Tuesday

Transformation Tuesdays is a monthly Zoom conversation on the 2nd & 4th Tuesday at 11 am that covers a broad range of mission and outreach topics. Join the conversation!

2024 Ministry Wives Retreat

Are you a Ministry Wife? The wife of a pastor, SMP pastor, or vicar. You are invited to this district-wide Ministry Wives Retreat on April 5-7, 2024, at Canterbury Conference Center in Oviedo, FL.

Hearts for Jesus

For over 30 years, early childhood centers and K-12 schools in the Florida-Georgia District have partnered in supporting a special project we call “Hearts for Jesus.” Helping Hands Eastern European Ministries will be the recipient of the 2023-2024 Hearts for Jesus offerings.

2024 Veterans of the Cross Gathering

All retired church workers, professional and lay, with their spouses, are invited to attend the 2024 Veterans of the Cross Retreat. Our theme is focused on running with perseverance in the race God has marked out for us. Join us to discuss how we can run this race with grace and purpose.