Advent Devotions

You are invited to join in the daily reading of our Advent Devotions!  This year’s theme will indeed be an Advent-ure as we journey toward not only celebrating our Savior’s birth but preparing for His return.

Seed Sowers

Every Christian is a seed sower. The Bible tells us we plant seeds of faith, and the Holy Spirit does the rest. This page tells the stories of Seed Sowers throughout the FLGA District – churches, individuals, youth groups, church leadership, schools…you get the idea. Read them and be inspired to sow seeds in your own community.

Puerto Rico FORO

Rev. Dr. Peter Meier invites individuals and mission teams to come alongside him to the Puerto Rico Foro. The FORO (forum) is a gathering in the mission field to learn about the work and see what God is doing through the mission teams.

2023 Synod Convention

Every LCMS congregation has two votes for the Synod President: their pastor, who is called and installed, and a lay delegate vote. To cast a vote, they must each be registered by March 19, 2023, or the congregation’s voice will be lost. Florida-Georgia District congregations who have registered to vote can be found here.

President’s Equip Conference

The President’s Equip Conference is a gathering where everyone in your congregation, including volunteers, leaders, pastors, board members, educators, youth leaders, and administrators as you, work alongside each other to connect people to Jesus.

Lenten Devotions

Our 2023 FLGA District Lenten Devotions theme is: Daring to Make a Difference…Let’s Talk about Jesus!  May the Lord use these daily devotions from Ash Wednesday through Easter to encourage, engage and equip you to make an eternal difference!