Heart for Jesus 2022 – Redeeming Life Ministries

Each year for the last 30+ years, early childhood centers and K-12 schools in the Florida-Georgia District have partnered in supporting a special project we call, “Hearts for Jesus.”  Simply stated, the 60+ Lutheran school ministries in Florida and Georgia, designate the chapel offerings for the month of February (or whatever month you choose), to support …

Not Even One

Sexual abuse of children is a “quiet” epidemic that is only occasionally brought to light when a sensational news story hits the press.

The Hymnal Project

The Hymnal Project creates hymn videos for use (FREE!) to help churches with their worshiping needs. They have developed a COVID-19 page which has links to hymns on video for your online services, among other things. Everything is available for free. You can find the COVID-19 resources here. 

Dr. Peter Meier called as new Executive Director of Missions and Outreach

President Gregory Walton is pleased to announce that Dr. Peter Meier has accepted the call to serve as Executive Director of Missions and Outreach for the Florida-Georgia District. Dr. Meier’s official start date will be February 1, 2020.  He will be attending the January Board of Directors and Circuit Visitors meeting and the Mission Advisory …

Lutheran Legal League

The Lutheran Legal League is made up of actively practicing attorneys who regularly attend worship in a Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. Simply stated, we are a unique fraternal organization of Christ filled attorneys who desire to assist our Synodical churches, schools, ministries, missions and LCMS members with their legal needs. We are NOT a referral company …