Hope, Plant City, FL

Hope’s Missions & Outreach Ministry Team requested the Miracle Grow grant of $300 to purchase Bibles to distribute to the children in the Lots of Hugs summer reading camp. The camp is sponsored by the Plant City Black Heritage Celebration. It meets annually at Hope from the Monday after school closes in May until they return …

Messiah, Valdosta, GA

The Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry of Messiah Lutheran Church in Valdosta is open! We work to provide food assistance to individuals and families in the local area. The food is purchased through the regional food bank or donated by members of the congregation. Members of Messiah donate their time to shop, organize and store …

Thrive FGCU, Estero, FL

ThriveFGCU, our Lutheran Campus Ministry at Florida Gulf Coast University, with the help of a Miracle Grow grant hosted two days of Tie-Dyeing T-shirts at FGCU, a unique way to reach college students. One hundred shirts were ordered and many students who have not yet been part of the ThriveFGCU campus ministry joined in.  They …

Shepherd of the Coast Lutheran School, Fort Lauderdale, FL

Shepherd of the Coast Lutheran School is a seed sower with the help of the Miracle Grow Grant!  This year’s LCMS theme is “Sent to Serve”. This January, during Lutheran Schools Week, the students participated in several outreach projects to connect people to Jesus. The students, ages 4-14, made sandwiches to feed the less fortunate …

Our Savior, Orlando, FL

Our Savior Orlando and Rebecca’s Garden of Hope participated in a “LET’S GET HEALTHY” LIFESTYLE PROGRAM The goal of the program was to improve outcomes for youth ages 4-18, in the areas of: 1-Nutrition and Food Choices, 2-Physical Fitness, 3-Social and Emotional Mental Health, 4-Personal Well-being & Goal Setting. Youth were invited locally and nationally …